2014 - Animated Short Film.
‘Hout’ tells the story of a retired woodcrafter living his remaining days in a snow coated forest, fulfilling his passion: constructing wooden animals.
This film was our exploration of the boundary between the biographical documentary and the animated short. The film made during our second year at the Utrecht University of the Arts and took about five months to complete.

Creator - Joost Jordens
Creator - Bob Los
Creator - Mike von Rotz
Creator - Wilbert van Veldhuizen
Creator - Bram Meulman
Creator - Rosalia Black

Voice - Thijs Visser
Music - Killian Elbers
Sound Design - Nola Klop
Sound Design - Tom de Smit

Special Thanks - Bobby de Groot
Special Thanks - Egbert de Ruijter
Special Thanks - Stijn Windig
Special Thanks - Roloff de Jeu
Nominations & Awards.
2015 - Nominated for Best Animation and Film, Shortcutz Annual Awards, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 - Winner of November, Shortcutz Weekly, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Exhibitions & Festivals.
2014 - Vimeo Staff Pick
2014 - KLIK! Animation Festival, Amsterdam
2014 - Short and Sweet, Amsterdam, Cape Town
2015 - Animated Dreams, Estonia
2015 - Viewster Online Film Festival Animated Worlds
2015 - Studenten Festival, Amsterdam
2015 - Athens ANIMFEST, Athens
2015 - Stukafest, Den Haag
2015 - Go Short, Nijmegen
2015 - Nederlands Film Festival, Student Competition, Utrecht
2015 - shnit International Film Festival DOCUMENTS
2015 - Corfu Animation Festival BeThere!
2015 - Dublin Animation Film Festival, Ireland
2015 - Anim'est International Animation Film Festival, Bucharest
2015 - Cardiff Animation Nights